Sleaford Parish Church
Sleaford Parish Church
A house of prayer at the heart of the community since the 12th century.

The choir comprises members of all ages and abilities, singing mainly 4-part repertoire. Its principal function is to lead the worship at the 10.00 a.m. Sunday Sung Eucharist and at Evensong at 6.00 p.m. on the first Sunday in the month (5.00 p.m. during daylight saving hours). In preparation for singing at services, weddings, funerals and concerts, there is one practice a week in the Chancel on Fridays from 7.00 p.m. until 8.15 p.m. Of course, there are special services, for example on Ash Wednesday or Maundy Thursday, or at 11.30 p.m. on Christmas Eve at which the choir also sing and lead the worship. There are also occasional weddings and funerals at which the choir's presence is requested.
The present repertoire includes five settings for the Eucharist and anthems ranging from the Middle Ages to those composed in recent times specifically for the choir as well as various settings of the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis used at Evensong. We have recently been working on new repertoire, varying from Plainsong to complex Polyphony.
New singers in all four parts are always welcome. It is of course realised that, with the demands of employment and family life, singers are not always available for practices or services and this is always taken into consideration.
If you are interested in joining us and would like further information or you would like to come and see what we do, please contact the Director of Music, Lee Rooke, directly at the following email address: lee.rooke@googlemail.com